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About Molex

Molex believes in the transformative power of creating connections. As a leading global provider of connector solutions, Molex brings engineering excellence, trusted relationships and an unparalleled commitment to quality and reliability to help customers across industries improve lives. Trusted for more than 80 years, Molex offers world-class design, manufacturing and a portfolio of 100,000+ innovative products. We’re doing more than developing solutions, we’re Creating Connections for Life.

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Categories for Molex

Кабели проводник-платка и лентови кабели (5694)

Компоненти за защита от пренапрежение (100)

Кабелни щуцери и фитинги (52)

Едножилен кабел (18)

LED Lighting Components (4)

RF тест и измерване (4)

Аксесоари за батерии и зарядни устройства (2)

Контрол на процеса (2)

ИС гнезда и адаптери (2)

Domestic Installation Switches (2)

Мрежови и DC захранващи конектори (1)

Лабораторно оборудване (1)

Инженерни изпитвания и измервания (1)

Ключове, гнезда и гаечни ключове (1)